MycoTOX Profile

The Mycotox Profile is a specialized test designed to detect exposure to mycotoxins, toxic compounds produced by certain molds commonly found in indoor environments. This test analyzes urine samples to identify mycotoxin metabolites, providing valuable insights into potential mold exposure and associated health risks.


  • Individuals experiencing symptoms suggestive of mold-related illness, such as chronic fatigue, respiratory issues, sinus congestion, headaches, or cognitive impairment.
  • Those living or working in water-damaged buildings, including homes, offices, or schools, where mold growth is suspected or confirmed.
  • Patients with unexplained or persistent health problems that have not responded to conventional treatments and may be linked to environmental mold exposure.
  • Individuals with compromised immune systems or underlying health conditions, such as asthma, allergies, or autoimmune disorders, who may be more susceptible to the adverse effects of mold toxins.
  • Individuals interested in proactive measures to reduce mold exposure and minimize health risks, including those considering relocation or remodeling activities in water-damaged environments. 

The Mycotox Profile offers a comprehensive assessment of mycotoxin exposure, helping individuals and healthcare providers identify potential sources of mold contamination and develop targeted strategies for remediation and risk reduction. By detecting mycotox in metabolites in urine samples, this test provides objective data to guide clinical decision-making and support interventions aimed at restoring health and promoting well-being in mold-exposed individuals.

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Description Price Add To Cart
MycoTOX Profile £400.00
Test Results Review - 30 minutes £299.00

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