The DUTCH Plus test revolutionizes hormone testing by offering an unparalleled level of insight into sex hormones and adrenal function. In addition to assessing sex hormones and their metabolites, the DUTCH Plus examines the diurnal pattern of free cortisol, cortisol metabolites, and introduces the Cortisol Awakening Response(CAR), shedding light on an essential aspect of the HPA axis.The Cortisol AwakeningResponse (CAR) measures the natural rise in cortisol levels upon waking, providing valuable information about HPA-axis function beyond standard cortisol measurements. A blunted or exaggerated CAR can indicate underlying issues such as stress, sleep disorders, chronic pain, and mood disorders. By incorporating both dried urine and salivary samples, the DUTCH Plus™ offers a comprehensive assessment of hormonal balance and metabolism. This unique combination of methodologies allows for a more accurate evaluation of hormone levels and metabolites, enabling clinicians to make precise treatment recommendations tailored to each patient's needs.


Women: Depression,   Fatigue,   Lowli bido,   Menopause,   Mood swings,   Premenstrual symptoms (PMS),  weight gain.

Men: Depression,  Fatigue,  Hair loss,  Increased prostate cancer risk,  Lower sex drive, Sleeping troubles,  weight gain

The DUTCH Plus test is particularly beneficial for individuals experiencing hormonal imbalances and empowers patients to take control of their hormonal health and overall well-being.

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Test Results Review - 30 minutes £299.00

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