Hair Elements Test

The Hair Elements test is a non-invasive diagnostic tool that assesses levels of essential minerals and toxic elements in the body by analyzing a small sample of hair. This test provides valuable insights into potential nutrient deficiencies, heavy metal exposure, and overall mineral balance, offering crucial information for personalized health interventions.


  • Individuals experiencing symptoms suggestive of heavy metal toxicity, such as fatigue, brain fog, headaches, joint pain, or gastrointestinal issues.
  • Those with chronic health conditions that may be exacerbated by heavy metal exposure, including autoimmune disorders, neurological conditions, or metabolic disorders.
  • Patients with suspected environmental or occupational exposure to heavy metals due to factors such as job-related activities, hobbies, or geographical location.
  • Individuals seeking to optimize their nutritional status and overall health by identifying potential deficiencies or imbalances in essential minerals. 

The Hair Elements test offers a comprehensive assessment of mineral status and toxic metal exposure, allowing for targeted interventions to restore balance and promote overall health and well-being. By identifying underlying imbalances or toxic burdens, this test empowers individuals and healthcare providers to implement proactive strategies for detoxification, nutritional support, and environmental risk reduction, ultimately supporting long-term health and vitality.

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Hair Elements Test £139.00
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